
The Past-Present-Future Survey

This survey explores how people allocate their thoughts between the past, present, and future. It’s anonymous unless you provide your email, in which case we’ll share the results with you.

Time (Required)

In an average month, how do you divide your thinking time between the past, present, and future? You don’t need to be exact — go with your intuition. Make sure the total adds up to 100%.

more than 2 weeks ago
today ± 2 weeks
more than 2 weeks from now
Total: 0%
Sentiment (Required)
Question Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
How frequently do you find yourself feeling anxious?
How frequently are you caught off guard by shifts in technology, politics, or the economy?
How frequently do people close to you (e.g., co-workers, family, friends) act in ways you didn’t expect?
How frequently do you feel in control of decisions that shape your life?
How frequently do you feel understood by the people closest to you?
About You (Optional)